Your Flexible Supports Team

Cutchins Programs has two community based, in home programs through the Department of Mental Health (DMH). Our Flexible Support Services program serves clients ages 5-18 referred by DMH, and our Transitional Aged Youth Flexible Supports Services works with young adults ages 17-22. The programs both utilize a team approach to provide comprehensive, cohesive and individualized support for clients and their families. Please see below for specific information on each program.

Each team is comprised of 4 team members, in addition to supervision and oversight by the Director of the Children's Clinic.

“This is one of the most dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled therapeutic programs anywhere in Western MA.”



A Master's level clinician who provides direct therapeutic support and case management to each family, overseeing treatment planning and coordination among FSS team.

Therapeutic Support Staff

A Bachelor's level outreach worker providing support to each family as needed, guided by clinical plan.

Peer Mentor

An individual with lived experience with mental health services who uses those experiences to mentor the client from a place of informed empathy and recognition of how services can best effect change.

Family Partner

A caregiver with lived experience caring for / raising a youth or young adult who has needed to access mental health services. This role is intended to support caregivers at a peer level, with another individual who has navigated the mental health system and is a caring ear who "has been there."

Western Mass. Flexible Supports Services are programs for children and teens approved for supportive services through the Department of Mental Health.

  • These programs are flexible - each service can adapt to each child and families needs.
  • Services are in-home and community-based and can work with a busy family's schedule.
  • FSS staff work closely with DMH case managers and administration to ensure the services are as effective as possible and attain the goals that each family has set.
  • We collaborate with outside providers, schools, and important members of a client's life to coordinate and improve our care.


  • Complete comprehensive intake to create meaningful treatment plans
  • Family therapy in-home or individualized clinical support
  • Phone support as needed for client and family
  • Family education about mental health and treatment options
  • Coordinated treatment among providers - both FSS and outside teams
  • Referrals to additional services

Therapeutic Support Staff

  • Create a trusting therapeutic relationship
  • Help identify resources in the community
  • Practice daily life skills at each client's level
  • Develop and support in-home plan to achieve desired change
  • Improve skills to tolerate difficult situations and emotions
  • Increase client's participation in the community.

Peer Mentor:

  • Practice skills being learned with other team members
  • Take part in community activities
  • Engage in client's interests and discover new interests
  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Help clients find their voice and speak up
  • Provide a healing relationship with someone who "gets it"

Family Partner

  • Validate the caregivers experience from a truly empathetic place
  • Attend team treatment meetings as a support, help communicate caregiver needs to providers
  • Offer suggestions for interventions/services as needed
  • Meet in person, by Zoom, phone, or text as each caregiver chooses to fit appointments into complicated schedules

Group Offerings

Flexible Support Groups are referred by the Department of Mental Health offered by The Children's Clinic, Cutchins Care LLC and Act Now. Examples could include:

  • Art Therapy
  • Dance and Movement Therapy
  • ARC Curriculum Groups
  • Parent Support Groups
  • Regulation from a Sensory Approach
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem

Flexible Support Services for Transitional Age Youth (TAY)

Each team can be comprised of up to 4 team members, in addition to supervision and oversight by the Director of the Children's Clinic. The Team is determined by each individual's needs. Clients may have all team members on their team, or a combination of roles. You can expect multiple sessions per week with team members, guided by your vision of how services will be most helpful.


A Master's level clinician who provides direct therapeutic support and case management to each family, overseeing treatment planning and coordination among the FSS Transitional Age Youth (TAY) team.

Therapeutic Support Staff

A Bachelor's level outreach worker providing support to each family as needed, guided by a clinical plan.

Peer Mentor

An individual with lived experience with mental health services who uses those experiences to mentor the client from a place of informed empathy and recognition of how services can best effect change.

Family Partner

A caregiver with lived experience caring for / raising a youth or young adult who has needed to access mental health services. This role is intended to support caregivers at a peer level, with another individual who has navigated the mental health system and is a caring ear who "has been there."


  • Complete comprehensive intake to create meaningful treatment plan
  • In-home or individualized clinical support
  • Phone support as needed for client and family
  • Family education about mental health and treatment options
  • Coordinated treatment among providers - both FSS and outside teams
  • Referrals to additional services
  • Supporting independence

Therapeutic Support Staff

  • Create a trusting therapeutic relationship
  • Help identify resources in the community
  • Practice daily life skills at each client's level
  • Improve skills to tolerate difficult situations and emotions
  • Increase client's participation in the community
  • Support in building independent living skills such as: budgeting, housing, vocation, education, and transportation

Peer Mentor

  • Practice skills being learned with other team members
  • Take part in community activities
  • Engage in client's interests and discover new interests
  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Help clients find their voice and speak up
  • Provide a healing relationship with someone who "gets it"

Family Partner

  • Validate the caregivers experience from a truly empathetic place
  • Attend team treatment meetings as a support, help communicate caregiver needs to providers
  • Offer suggestions for interventions/services as needed
  • Meet in person, by Zoom, phone, or text as each caregiver chooses to fit appointments into complicated schedules

Group Offerings

Flexible Support Groups are referred by the Department of Mental Health offered by the Children's Clinic, Cutchins Care LLC and Act Now. Examples could include:

  • Art Therapy
  • DBT Skills Groups
  • ARC Curriculum Groups
  • Parent Support Groups
  • Regulation from a Sensory Approach
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Life Skills/PAYA Groups